
AWS SSO With ADFS - Part 2

I’d assume ADFS has already been setup correctly.

We’ll only concentrate on How to setup ADFS side and AWS side for SSO with SAML

Design & Implementation

AWS Side

We will be using Identity providers - SAML type - with Provider name as -> ADFS

Metadata Document can be granted from URL: https://<your_adfs_url>/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml

We need to create Role for all kind-like users in the same AD group to be mapped in AWS.

Let’s create a role called <accountName>-admin, like sandbox-admin, and binds with “Administrators” permission with it.

  • Select SAML 2.0 federation
  • Select ADFS previously created as the provider
  • Select the way you want users to access the console or resources, here I select Allow programmatic and AWS Management Console access
  • Next, permission, we tick Administrators
  • Next, Next, Role name: sandbox-admin

Till here, all AWS side is finished.

On-prem AD side

The main steps are pretty much the same as:

However, I made some changes to adopt with more features:

As users will be granting permissions by joining to an AD group, so we will need to create a group before doing anything: AWSGlobal-123456789012-sandbox-admin

  • AWSGlobal: hard-coded value as prefix showing what is this for. <- by having this one, you will be able to map to different region, like China or Gov
  • 123456789012: AWS Account ID in number. <- by changing this bit, you will be able to map to different accounts.
  • sandbox-admin: role name (created in AWS side). <- by changing this, you will be able to login to different role with different permission.

In ADFS configuration, Role Attributes should be following:

c:[Type == "http://temp/variable", Value =~ "(?i)^AWSGlobal-([\d]{12})-([a-zA-Z]*)-"]
 => issue(Type = "", Value = RegExReplace(c.Value, "AWSGlobal-([\d]{12})-", "arn:aws:iam::$1:saml-provider/ADFS,arn:aws:iam::$1:role/"));

Leave the rest the same as above link.

Then try to login from ADFS portal, you will be redirect to AWS Console with correct permission as sandbox-admin.

Have fun there.